August 23 – OHDEN

So this is the next section I’m working on. Beginning this weekend, the Ohio ARES HF Digital Net will be restored.

I want it to be done by Labor Day. The issue is that there are a lot of “hidden sections to the site”. Thank you everyone for your patience!

73 DE John, WG8X

August 7th, 2024

Today, the following pages were restored:

  1. Skywarn
  2. Site Icon was loaded
  3. Web maintenance blog was started
  4. link to the blog added to the left sidebar – bottom

I started on the DMR pages tonight. The problem with DMR is that all the pages are quite old, and outdated. I’m going to bring them back as an archive, since I’ve had requests for them. But, I can use the help of someone more experienced than I in DMR.
It’s impossible for me to tell what is relevant, and what isn’t. If you’d like to give me a hand, please reach out at .
For now, I’m moving them further down my priority list.

This is all dependent on the stats I see tomorrow morning, but the next pages on my list to restore are :
1) ARES -> Ohio Digital Emergency Net (OHDEN)
2) ARES -> NVIS info

In the meantime, before you leave, make sure to head on over to and sign up for the ARRL Handbook giveaway.

73 DE John, WG8X


As they say, “Information is king”. Once the new site went live, some 404, or “page Not Found” errors were expected. Each morning, I look at the page views for the site. The views tell me a lot.

First, how many visitors are we getting, and what are they doing while they’re here? But the most important stats to me right now are the PNF (Page Not Found) errors. Those tell me where you were trying to go. From that, I can fix things.

You see, while the original site was built using Front Page, and loaded to the web with a FTP program, it is now built with WordPress, a CMS (Content Management System). The directory structure between the two is a bit different, so most of the bookmarks, and saved links you had stopped working.

Taking the info from the NPF errors, I was able to create a series of Re-directs, thus allowing everyone’s bookmarks to start working again.

Hello world!

As is customary when setting up a new website, blog, etc for the first time, The first words should be “Hello World”. Well, since I’ve been working on the rewrite for the site since May, 2024, I guess I missed that one,

Several months ago I began working on an upgrade to the Ohio Section website. Don’t get me wrong, the old site was functional, but some freshening up sure couldn’t hurt.

The new site went live on August 1st. Literally the deeper I dive into the old site, the more content I find. Please be patient while I bring the content on line, and linked to the main menu, so it can be easily found.