The Ohio ARES HF Digital Net

Under Construction

OHDEN Net Reports

OHDEN Net Schedule

Tuesdays: 80M 3584.5KHZ USB,  OLIVIA 8-500 at 7:45PM (summer hours)
The net changes bands to 160M (80M TBD) at Fall Time Change

Under Construction

Time of Year Day Time
Waterfall Frequency Mode
Standard Time
Tuesday 1945 1804.5 USB 1500 Olivia 8-500
Sunday 1600 3584.5 USB 1500 Olivia 8-500
Daylight Savings
Time (Summer)
Tuesday 1945 3584.5 USB 1500 Olivia 8-500
TBD TBD TBD 7055 USB 1500 Olivia 8-500
TBD TBD TBD 60m Ch1 1500 Olivia 8-500
Note: dial frequencies may vary to prevent QRM.

Under Construction