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This area of the website is for posting of equipment
Wanted / For Sale / Give-Away.
- We also are now posting information about Club Fund Raisers.
- No licensed vehicles/trailers or business advertising will be posted.
- All Buyers and Sellers must agree to the “Terms & Conditions” of this website
- Pictures & graphics are accepted at the discretion of the Webmaster
- Postings will be a maximum of 1 month from date posted and require a contact phone number or email within the posting.
- It would be very helpful to those reading your ad if you posted a general location of where the items can be found… (i.e… Columbus area – northeast Ohio…)
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For sale:
Item | Manufacturer | Model | Serial | Description | Price |
1 | Kenwood | TS-590SG | B7710041 | HF transceiver | $800.00 |
2 | N3ZN | 9Z | 751 | CW paddle | $200.00 |
3 | Jetstream | JTPS28 | N/A | 13.8V, 28A power supply | $50.00 |
4 | Bencher | RJ-1 | 648481 | Straight key | $40.00 |
5 | MFJ | MFJ-870 | N/A | SWR/Wattmeter | $25.00 |
6 | MFJ | MFJ-1118 | N/A | DC distribution | $25.00 |
7 | K1EL | WinKeyer USB | N/A | WinKeyer-USB | $25.00 |
8 | K1EL | WKmini | 00001126 | Mini WinKeyer | $25.00 |
For more information, please contact
(Posted 11/1/2024)
For Sale
Icom IC-7100
160-10M, 6m, 2m, 440, D-Star, General Coverage, 100w on HF.
Includes the hand mic, & manual
Asking $500
For more information, please contact
(Posted 10/26/2024)