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Wanted / For Sale / Give-Away.

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For Sale
About three years old. Very low hours.
Non-smoker. Got an IC-7610 about the same, and thought I would keep the IC-7300 as a backup.
Figure I can use one of my POTA radios for that if I need to, so time to thin out the herd.
$750 – Would prefer to deliver within an hour of Findlay
My one year experiment with satellites has failed. Thanks, HOA.
Maybe another time. Don’t need this machine for the local repeater.
Very low hours. Non-smoker.
$1500, Would prefer to deliver within an hour of Findlay.
For more information, please contact
(Posted 8/17/2024)
For Sale
  • Yaesu FT 101 ZD Transceiver $450.00
  • FV- 101 DM Digital Memory VFO 75.00
  • SP- 901P Phone Patch $75.00
All 3 are near mint condition.
All 3 have original boxes and manuals.
$550.00 for all 3
Plus shipping or free pickup

Drake L7 Amplifier
includes the pair of 3-500 tubes and
the L-7 Power supply
and all connectors.
These also have the original boxes and Manual. $1,200.00
plus shipping or free pickup

  • MFJ 484 Grandmaster Memory Keyer
    $50.00 plus shipping.
  • Drake RCS4 Remote Coax Switch
    Tower box needs to be cleaned up.
    $125.00 plus shipping.
  • Heil EQ 200 Microphone Equalizer
    $50.00. plus shipping
  • Daiwa CN 520, 200 – 2000 watt cross needle Wattmeter
    $60.00 plus shipping

Mosley Classic 36 Tri- Bander $300.00
84 foot free standing custom made tower
Has a 10 ft. TV tower section that runs on tracks up the side of the tower
Make an offer, it still stands
The antennas are down.
Click on the pictures at right to enlarge
Mosley Classic 36
Mosley Classic 36
Mosley Classic 36
For more information, please contact
Randy, N8CJR
(Posted 8/30/2024)