Did you know that you are already part of the ARRL Ohio Section if you live in Ohio and hold an Amateur Radio license?
We want to encourage everyone to be a volunteer in the Ohio Section and participate where you can.
This participation is what has made the Ohio Section the BEST in the country!
This participation is what has made the Ohio Section the BEST in the country!
And…. We want you to be an active part of it!
OP3 was formed from the Ohio Department of Public Service / Ohio Department of Homeland Security.
This partnership is in an effort to serve Ohioans before ,during and after a disaster the Ohio Department of Public Safety created the Ohio Public Private Partnership (OP3) to provide the opportunity for state and local government agencies, businesses, associations, Ohio Colleges and Universities and non-profits to engage in crisis disaster protection, planning, response and recovery efforts which will promote business continuity, speed recovery, improve the quality of life and build a safer Ohio for all its citizens.
The Ohio Section is an active member of
The EMAO strives to advance public safety for Ohioans through effective collaborations with local, state and federal partners and helps to build more effective emergency management leaders in Ohio by offering education, training. This partnership has kept our ARES group in a much more direct contact with our 88 EMA directors than ever before. The Ohio Section leadership is part of the Education Committee of EMAO, and as such has been able to reach out to these leaders on a more peer to peer level, which has proven to give both ARES and EMA a better working relationship.
The Ohio VOAD is the state chapter of the National VOAD and consists of organizations active in disaster response throughout the state of Ohio. The roll of VOAD is to bring organizations together and enable them to understand each other and work together during times of disaster preparedness, response, relief and recovery.
There are 71 ARRL Sections in the United States – the Ohio Section is the largest with over 5,800 active ARRL members in it. The Ohio Section can boast that it has 119 ARRL Affiliated Clubs and 16 Special Service Clubs within its borders!
No other Section in the country can say that.
No other Section in the country can say that.
Our Section Cabinet is second to none. We have all 7 of the ARRL Programs staffed with very dedicated and hard working volunteers. The Ohio Section is proud of our accomplishments over the years in each one of these programs.
The Ohio Section has several ways in which it distinguishes itself from the other 70 Sections in the country.
We offer a weekly newsletter (PostScript) and a monthly Ohio Section Journal publication detailing Amateur Radio activities in the Section and around the world. Both publications have a readership of well over 7,000 and is available to anyone just for the asking.
We have the only on-going annual newsletter competition that honors excellence in Amateur Radio reporting.
This competition has been going on for more than 29 consecutive years. Our newsletters are the best in the country because of this contest!
This competition has been going on for more than 29 consecutive years. Our newsletters are the best in the country because of this contest!
The Ohio Section is also an active member of OP3 – Ohio Public/Private Partnership

This partnership is in an effort to serve Ohioans before ,during and after a disaster the Ohio Department of Public Safety created the Ohio Public Private Partnership (OP3) to provide the opportunity for state and local government agencies, businesses, associations, Ohio Colleges and Universities and non-profits to engage in crisis disaster protection, planning, response and recovery efforts which will promote business continuity, speed recovery, improve the quality of life and build a safer Ohio for all its citizens.
Being partnered with OP-3 our ARES staff gets twice daily briefings from them. OP3 utilizes the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) to securely share homeland security information with partnership members. HSIN is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) online information sharing portal that hosts timely and relevant products to public and private sector partners. This has been a huge leap for our ARES group by being briefed every day on all that is going on around us.
We also benefit from this great association by being able to self-credential through EPCS. This is a credentialing system that allows OP3 private sector partners to access disaster scenes easier and much quicker. The credentials, much like an airline boarding-pass, allow the bearer’s identity to be verified upon arrival at a disaster scene. The credentials are provided through the Communication and Information Management System (CIMS) and has been of great benefit to our ARES group on several high profile incidences already.
The Ohio Section is an active member of
the EMAO (Emergency Management Association of Ohio)

The Ohio Section is an active member of Ohio VOAD – Volunteer Organizations Assisting in Disasters

These listed programs are just a broad outline of what is happening within the Ohio Section. For more information on any ARRL program and how you might be able to get involved, please contact me directly I will be happy to give you the full details of any of our great programs!
Thank you for being a part of the ARRL’s biggest and BEST Section in the country.
Tom Sly
Manager, Ohio Section
Manager, Ohio Section