Ohio Section Cabinet

Section Manager (SM)
Tom Sly, WB8LCD
1480 Lake Martin Drive
Kent, Ohio 44240-6260
Phone: 330-554-4650
“The Section Manager is accountable for carrying out the duties of the office in accordance with ARRL policies established by the Board of Directors and shall act in the best interests of Amateur Radio.”
Technical Coordinator (TC)
Jeffrey Kopcak, K8JTK
1497 Canterbury Rd
Westlake, OH 44145
Phone: 440-668-8526
“The ARRL Technical Coordinator (TC) is a section-level official appointed by the Section Manager to coordinate all technical activities within the section. The Technical Coordinator reports to the Section Manager and is expected to maintain contact with other section-level appointees as appropriate to insure a unified ARRL Field Organization within the section.”
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC)
Bret Stemen, KD8SCL
328 Pataskala Ridge Dr SW
Pataskala 43062
Phone: 614-778-3754
“The Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) is the assistant to the Section Manager (SM) for emergency preparedness. The SEC is appointed by the SM to administer all matters pertaining to emergency communications and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARESĀ®) on a Section-wide basis. There is only one SEC appointed in each Section of the ARRL Field Organization.
Section Traffic Manager (STM)
Dan Rinaman, AC8NP
55 Longfellow Dr.
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Phone: 419-618-0330
“The STM is appointed by the Section Manager to supervise traffic handling organization at the section level–that is, to coordinate all traffic efforts within the section, regardless of mode or National Traffic System affiliation, so that routings within the section and connections with other networks and digital traffic nodes will result in orderly and efficient traffic flow.”
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC)
Anthony Luscre, K8ZT
5441 Park Vista Court
Stow, OH 44224
Phone: 614-527-4897
Provides ideas and resources as needed to amateur radio clubs and maintains a current assessment of active youth and college amateur radio operators in the Section. ARRL Kid’s Day, Teachers Institute, Jamboree on the Air, Field Day and School Club Roundup are just a few of the activities that are focused on.
Public Information Coordinator (PIC)
Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ
P.O. Box 97
Alpha, OH 45301-0097
Phone: 937-307-1851
“The ARRL Public Information Coordinator (PIC) is a section-level official appointed by and reports to the Section Manager (SM) as the section’s expert on public information and public relations matters.”
Affiliated Clubs Coordinator (ACC)
Amanda Farone, KC3GFU
239 Elvira Court
McDonald, Ohio 44437
Phone: 330-509-4095
“The ACC is the primary contact and resource person for each Amateur Radio club in the section, specializing in motivating, providing assistance and coordinating joint activities of radio clubs. The ACC is appointed by, and reports to, the Section Manager.”
State Government Liaison (SGL)
Bob Winston, W2THU
4856 River Road
Perry, Ohio 44081
Phone: 216-924-3314
“The State Government Liaison (SGL) is an Amateur Radio operator who is cognizant of state legislative and regulatory proposals in the normal course of events and who can monitor and respond appropriately to those proposals having the potential to affect Amateur Radio. This is an active, responsive mission, not merely a passive, “stand by the sidelines and watch” function.”
Assistant Section Manager (ASM)
Al Andres. KD8ZBS
04273 Farmer Mark Rd
Bryan, OH 43506
“The ASM may serve as a general assistant to the Section Manager or as a specialist. That is, the ASM may assist the Section Manager with general leadership matters as the Section Manager’s understudy, or the ASM may be assigned to handle a specific important function that does not fall within the scope of the duties of the Section Manager’s other assistants.”