Ohio Amateur Radio Clubs

Please note: the above map is only for reference. For actual club location, please refer to their website, or social media presence.
20 OVER 9 RADIO CLUB INCSecond Tuesday every month at 7 PMhttp://www.20over9.org
All Things Amateur Radio AssociationFourth Tuesday of the Monthhttps://atara-w8atr.fun
Alliance ARC2nd Wednesday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttps://www.w8lky.org
ASHLAND AREA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB2nd Tuesday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttps://www.n8ihi.org/
Athens County Amateur Radio Association3rd Tuesday Monthly at 7:00 PM from September through Mayhttp://www.ac-ara.org
Bearcat DX ClubNo fixed dates or times - contact club Secretary for details
Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club3rd Thursday monthly at 7:30 PM, 7:00 PM for social time.http://bellbrookarc.org
Bellefontaine High School Amateur Radio ClubTimes Vary
BSARCSecond Monday of the monthhttp://K8BSR.org
BUTLER COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION2nd Monday of each month at 7 PM - see websitehttp://www.bcara.net
BUTLER COUNTY VHF ASSN INC1st Wednesday Monthly at 7:00 PMhttp://sites.google.com/site/bcvhfaw8cci/
Cambridge Amateur Radio AssociationLast Saturday of the month at 10 AM (except MayTBD); no meeting in Decemberhttp://www.w8vp.org
Canton ARC3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PMhttp://www.w8al.org/
CAPITAL CITY REPEATER ASSOCIATION2nd Saturday monthly at 7:30 PM or as announced on repeaters & in newsletter
CASE AMATEUR RADIO CLUBThursdays 19:00https://w8edu.wordpress.com/
CENTRAL OHIO CONTEST ASSOCIATIONField Dayhttp://www.qrz.com/db/we8dx
Central Ohio Operators Klub2nd Saturday at 12:00 Noonhttp://www.cooken.org
CENTRAL OHIO RADIO CLUB INCSunday, 6 PM (February, June, October)http://www.corc.us
Central Ohio Severe Weather Network3rd Tuesday of the month (September-March); every Tuesday (April-August) at 7:30 PMhttp://www.coswn.org
Champaign Logan Amateur Radio Club Inc1st Thursday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttp://sites.google.com/site/champaignloganamateurradioclub/
Clark County Amateur Radio Assoc3rd Monday Monthly at 7:15 PMhttps://w8og.org/
Cleveland Wireless Assn IncAnnounced by e-mail, irregular timeshttp://www.hamfaqs.com/cwa/
Clinton County ARAMonthly - 1st Thursday - 7:30 PMhttps://ccara.net
Conneaut Amateur Radio Club3rd Monday Monthly at 7:30 PM except Decemberhttp://www.w8bhz.com
COSHOCTON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION1st Tuesday Monthly at 6 PMhttp://www.w8cca.org
Crawford County ARC2nd Wednesday monthly
CRES-ARCVaries - typically bi-monthlyhttp://w8zpf.com
Crooked River Amateur Radio ClubFirst & Third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm ESThttp://CRARCHAM.org
CUYAHOGA AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY2nd Tuesday of each Month Except December at 7:30 PMhttp://www.2cars.org/
CUYAHOGA FALLS ARC2nd Wednesday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttp://www.cfarc.org
Dayton Amateur Radio Association1st Friday -Expo Center, 3rd Friday - Marion's Pizza, Beavercreek (September-June) at 7:00 PMhttp://www.w8bi.org
De Forest Amateur Radio Club IncQuarterly- March, June, September, December, 2nd Tues Monthly 7 PMhttp://www.qsl.net/k8ge
Delaware ARA3rd Wednesday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttp://www.k8es.org
Dial Radio Club3rd Monday of each month; 1900 Local Timehttp://www.qsl.net/w8blv/
FINDLAY RADIO CLUB1st & 3rd Thurs Monthly at 7:30 PMhttp://www.findlayradioclub.org
FIRELANDS AMATEUR REPEATER ASSOCIATION4th Tuesday Monthly at 7:00 PM (except 7,8&12)
Franklin County Ohio ARES3rd Wednesday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttps://www.franklincountyohioares.org
FULTON COUNTY ARC3rd Monday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttp://k8bxq.org
GEAUGA AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION4th Mon monthly 7:30 PM Except Jul and Dechttps://geaugaara.org
GERMANTOWN AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY2nd Sunday of each month at 7 PMhttp://WG8ARS.ORG
Goodyear ArcNone
Grant Amateur Radio Assoc3rd Thursday Monthly at 7 PMhttp://www.garcohio.net
GREATER CINCINNATI ARA4th Wednesday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttp://www.gcara.org
HAMILTON AMATEUR RADIO CLUBSecond Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PMhttp://www.hamarc.net
Henry County Arc Inc1st. Tues. of every month 7:00 PM
Highland ARA2nd Tuesday of even-numbered months at 7 PM
Huber Heights Amateur Radio Club1st Saturday Monthly at 10 AMhttp://www.hharc.org
Independent Radio Assn Inc4th Tuesday Monthly at 7:30 PMhttp://www.K8IRA.org
InterCity Amateur Radio Club1st Friday of each Month (except July & August) at 7:00 PMhttp://www.iarc.club
JACKSON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB3rd Saturday of every month at 6 PMhttp://www.jacksoncountyarc.org
JOHN D KRAUS MEMORIAL AMATEUR RADIO CLUB1st Saturday of every month at 10 AM
KENTON AMATEUR RADIO CLUBLast Monday of the month a 7:00 PM
Lake County ARA Inc1st Wednesday of the Month at 7:30 PMhttp://www.lcara.org
Lake Erie ARALast Tuesday Monthly, except Decemberhttps://www.leara.org
Lancaster & Fairfield Cty ARC1st Thursday of each Month at 7:30 PMhttp://www.k8qik.org
LISBON AREA AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION3rd Thursday monthly @ 6:30 pmhttp://k8gqb.com
LORAIN COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION INC3rd Friday Monthly at 7:00 PMhttps://www.facebook.com/lcara.kc8bed
MAD RIVER RADIO CLUBas announcedhttp://madriverradioclub.org
MADISON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUBMonthly - 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 PMhttps://mcarcoh.org
Mahoning Valley ARA2nd Thurs Monthly - 7:00 PM (no meeting in August or December)http://www.mvara.org
MARIETTA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM
Marion ARC2nd Monday Monthly (Sept-May) at 7:00 PMhttp://www.marionhamradio.com
Massillon Amateur Radio Club1st Friday Monthly at 7:30 PM, Doors open at 7:00 pmhttp://www.w8np.net
Medina County Amateur Radio Club / Medina 2 Meter Group2nd Monday Monthly at 7:00 PMhttps://www.W8EOC.org
Miami County Arc4th Monday Monthly at 7:00 PMhttp://w8fw.com/
Mid Ohio Valley Amateur Radio ClubFirst Saturday of each month - 8:30 AMhttp://sites.google.com/site/midohiovalleyarc/
MILFORD AMATEUR RADIO CLUBThird Thursdays 7:30 p.m. (See website for any changes)https://MilfordHamRadio.org
Morgan Amateur Radio ClubFirst Tuesday, 6PM
MORROW COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO SERVICEEvery Sat 8:30amhttps://mocoara.org
Mound Amateur Radio Assn IncFirst Wednesday of each month at 7 PMhttps://www.w8dyy.org
Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club2nd Monday Monthly at 7 PMhttps://mvarc.net
Muskingum Valley Ham Radio Club1st Monday Monthly at 7:00 PMhttp://www.n8hr.org
Newark Amateur Radio Association3rd Saturday Monthly at 6:00 PMhttp://www.n8ara.org
Newton Falls Technology & Multimedia CluTuesdays: 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.http://www.nfhstmc.org
North Coast ARC2nd Thurs Monthly 7:00PM - Check Website for possible changeshttps://www.n8nc.org/
Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society3rd Monday of each Month at 6:30 PMhttp://www.noars.net
Northern Ohio DX Assn1st Monday Monthly at 6:30 PMhttp://www.nodxa.org
Northwest Ohio Amateur Club Inc1st Saturday of the month at 09:00 amhttp://www.nwoarc.com
NOT QUITE WORKABLE CONTEST CLUB2nd Friday of March, June, & September
OH-KY-IN AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY1st Tuesday monthly at 7:30 PM (Talk-in 146.670/R (-) PL 123http://www.ohkyin.org
Ohio Valley ARADecember (Christmas Party and election of officers) date TBA
Ottawa County ARC2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 PMhttp://qsl.net/k8vxh
PARMA RADIO CLUB4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PMhttp://www.parmaradioclub.com
Paulding County Ohio Amateur Radio ClubLast Thursday of the month at 18:30
Pioneer A R Fellowship1st Wednesday Monthly at 7 PMhttp://www.qsl.net/w8ctt
Portage ARC Inc4th Wednesday Monthly at 7 PMhttp://www.portagearc.org
Portage County Amateur Radio Service Inc.2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PMhttp://www.portcars.org/
PORTSMOUTH RADIO CLUB1st Monday Monthly, 6:30 PM until --------http://www.portsmouthradioclub.org
Preble Amateur Radio Assn1st Sunday 5 PM, ARES 6 PM PARAhttp://k8yr.org/
Queen City Emergency Net2nd Thursday Monthly at 7:30 PM -- currently via Zoomhttp://www.qcen.org
Salem Area ARA1st Thurs Month 6:30 pmwww.qsl.net/saara
Sandusky Radio Experimental League IncEvery Thursday Evening at 7:30 PM
Sandusky Valley ARC1st Saturday of Month at 9:00 A.M.http://www.w8nck.org
SCIOTO VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB3rd Thursday of the monthhttp://www.qsl.net/w8bap/SVARC.html
Seneca Radio Club2nd Monday Monthly at 7:00 PM - check www.w8id.org for updated schedule & special eventshttp://www.w8id.org
Shelby County Amateur Radio Emergency Serv4th Sunday, 4 pmhttp://shelbycountyohares.com
Silvercreek Amateur Radio AssnThird Thursday at 7pm (Jan-Nov)https://w8wky.org/
Southeast Amateur Radio NetSunday 18:00 hrs to 1930 hrs
Southern Ohio Amateur Radio AssociationThird Monday of each month at 7:00 PMhttp://www.w8soe.org
SOUTHWEST OHIO DX ASSN2nd Thursday monthly - check website for detailshttp://www.swodxa.org
Stark DX Assn
Steubenville-Weirton ARC1st Wed. ea. month at PLSJ Main Library at 6 PM; 3rd Wed. ea. month at Zalenski's Restaurant at 6 PMhttp://www.swarc.net
SUNDAY CREEK AR FEDERATION1st Sunday of the month at 5 PMhttp://www.scarfarc.com
Technology Club Of Patrick Henry Local SchoolsWednesdays of each month and Business meetings are the first Wednesday of the month.www.phpatriots.org
The Amateur Radio Club at The Ohio State UniversityAlternate Tuesdays 7 PMhttps://u.osu.edu/w8lt/
TOLEDO MOBILE RADIO ASSOCIATIONSecond Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM (doors open at 6pm)http://w8hhf.org
TOLEDO RADIO AMATEUR CLUB2nd Saturday of the month at 9am
TRIANGLE AMATEUR RADIO CLUBFourth Tuesday of the monthhttp://www.qsl.net/k8blp
Tusco ARC IncMonthly on First Thursday at 7:00 PMhttp://www.W8ZX.net
Union County Amateur Radio ClubFirst Tuesday of the month at 7 PM local timehttp://ohiohams.net/
University Of Cincinnati ARCEvery Tuesday at 6:30pmhttps://sites.google.com/site/w8yxucarc
VAN WERT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB; INC.1st & 3rd Saturday of each month at 8 PM local timehttp://www.w8fy.org
Voice Of Aladdin ARChttp://www.aladdinshrine.org/voa.htm
Warren Amateur Radio Assn1st & 3rd Tuesday of each Month at 7:30 PM downstairs pine roomhttp://www.w8vtd.com
Wayne Amateur Radio ClubCheck website for up to date information https://w8woo.org/events/monthly-meetinghttps://www.w8woo.org
West Central Ohio Amateur Radio AssociatThird Monday of each month at 7 PMhttp://www.wcoara.org
West Chester Amateur Radio Association1st Thursday of the monthhttp://www.wc8voa.org
West Park Radiops ARCOn Zoom, 2nd Friday, 7:30http://www.westparkradiops.org
WESTERN RESERVE AMATEUR RADIO CLUBThird Tuesday monthly at 7 PMhttp://www.wrarc.net
Williams County Amateur Radio Association3rd Sunday Monthly at 6:00 PMhttp://www.w8jdm.org
Wood County Amateur Radio Club2nd Monday alternate months starting in February at 7:30 PMhttp://wcarc.bgsu.edu
Woodchuck Amateur Radio Club4th Friday of each month (except December) at 7:30 PMhttp://www.woodchuckarc.com
Young Ladies Radio LeagueBoard meeting 2 times a yearhttp://www.ylrl.net
Young Ladies Radio League Inc
ZANESVILLE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB1st Tuesday of each month at 7 PM