OHDEN Net Reports
Most recent report
February, 2025

OHDEN Net Schedule
Routine nets are held Tuesdays, 1945 hrs (local time), 3584.5Khz. USB, 1500 hz on the waterfall, using Olivia 8-500
During winter months, when daylight savings time is in effect, we may conduct the net simultaneous with 3584.5kHz. on 1804.5kHz.
This is dependent upon propagation conditions, is in effect for the entire
season and is announced in advance.
Other frequencies and modes used by OHDEN during
an activation are described in the OHDEN Standard Operating Guide (SOG).
Time of Year | Day |
Time (Eastern) (hrs) |
Dial Frequency (KHz) |
Waterfall Frequency | Mode |
Standard Time (Winter) |
Tuesday | 1945 | 1804.5 USB | 1500 | Olivia 8-500 |
Sunday | 1600 | 3584.5 USB | 1500 | Olivia 8-500 | |
Daylight Savings Time (Summer) |
Tuesday | 1945 | 3584.5 USB | 1500 | Olivia 8-500 |
TBD | TBD | TBD | 7055 USB | 1500 | Olivia 8-500 |
TBD | TBD | TBD | 60m Ch1 | 1500 | Olivia 8-500 |
OHDEN Standard Operating Guide (SOG)
In times when the normal communication channels are compromised or overloaded, the local agencies that ARES serves rely on having an alternate and reliable means of communication to other counties as well as to state-level Ohio Emergency Management. OHDEN was created as a system of amateur radio operators and equipment to perform this function.
OHDEN uses the amateur radio digital modes to transfer messages using the standard forms used in the Incident Command System, the standard of all emergency management agencies. The forms and the software that interfaces with the radio are part a suite of software known as Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software (NBEMS) which is free to download and requires a minimal of additional hardware. OHDEN relies on Near Vertical Incident Skywave (NVIS) propagation to allow for communication of up to several hundred miles for reliable messaging within the state.
It is our goal to have this capability within each of the 88 Ohio counties’ served agencies along with trained amateur radio operators to provide it.
For more information, go to the Facebook group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/OHDEN/ or email the OHDEN Net Manager,
Misc Files
Document Name |
Revision # |
Description |
OHDEN Operating Plan | 0.2 | This is a review copy. Please make correctionsand suggestions for change to the net manager |
OHDEN Standard Operating Guide | 1.3.6 | This is the working copy |
Ohio District Map | n/a | Original graphic used in the OHDEN |
Ohio ARES Digital ICS Massaging Capability | n/a | This is a report resulting from the survey on the subject conducted the sumer of 2020 |
OHDEN Training Plan | 0.3 | This is the planning document describing the training effort for OHDEN |
ARES Standardized Training Plan – ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book – OHDEN Supplement | 0.2 | The task book associated with the training plan |