Public Information Coordinator

ARRL Ohio Section
Newsletter Contest Rules

The 2024 Section Newsletter Contest is finished, and awards are handed out. It isn’t time for rest, though! It is time to plan, write, and send those newsletters into me for the 2025 Newsletter Contest!

Add to your mailing list if you haven’t already or forward to me separately.
It is especially important to have me on your mailing list now.
Your newsletters stopped being forwarded to me early this year. Instead of being a bonus point this time, having me on your mailing list was crucial to being able to receive a score at all.

The scoring criteria is based on five categories:
Is your content original? Is it based on useful information? Can people get an idea of what is going on with your club without knowing explicitly what you are about?
Who is your newsletter intended for? Are you advertising to yourself? What is new people stumble across your newsletter? Are you inviting and informative? Do you make ideas understandable to all ages and levels of licenses?
How pleasing is your newsletter to look at? Does it flow well? Is it overcrowded? Too plain? Do you have a popping wow factor that encourages readers to continue?
Contact Info
How easy is it to get ahold of the people who are contributing to the newsletter? How about the officers or committee members? Online newsletters are especially easy to add this feature. Each time a name appears, you can link an email address to it!
Call to Action
What is the purpose of a newsletter if not to rally the troops? Are you inviting people to join your events? Inviting people to become or recruit new members? Are you encouraging Hams to be the best they can be?

Congratulations to the 2024
Ohio Section Newsletter Winners!

1st Place: Full Quieting BARC Bellbrook, OH
2nd Place: Q-Fiver OHKYIN Cincinnati, OH
3rd Place: ATCO Newsletter ATCO Central Ohio
4th Place: The Radiogram PCARS Portage County, OH

  Past Newsletter Winners
2024      Full Quieting     (Bellbook ARC)
2023      The Radiogram     (PCARS)
2022      Q-Fiver     (OH-KY-IN ARC)
2021      The Radiogram     (PCARS)
2020      The Zero Beat     (Alliance ARC)
2019      The Radiogram     (PCARS)
2018      The Radiogram     (PCARS)
2017      The Radiogram     (PCARS)
2016      The Mike & Key     
2015      DELARA News     (Delaware ARA)
2014      The Mike & Key     
2013      The Radiogram     (PCARS)
2012      The Radiogram     (PCARS)
2011      No Contest This Year     
2010      DELARA News     (Delaware ARA)
2009      NOARS Log     (Northern Ohio ARS)
2008      News Unwired     
2007      HF Chronicles     
2006      The Buckeye Burr     (The Buckeye Belles)
2005      20/9 Radio Club     
2004      The Spirit of 76 & 88     (Lake Erie ARA)
2003      The Pioneer Radiator     
2002      The Wobbly Oscillator     
2001      The Portage Amateur Radio Club     (PARC)
2000      The Zero Beat     (AARC)
1999      The Hamchatter     
1998      The Radiogram     
1997      RF-Carrier     
1996      The Mike & Key     
1995      Central Ohio ARES     
1994      Q-Fiver     (OH-KY-IN ARC)
1993      Signal Report     
1992      The Patch