The Assistant Section Manager is an extremely important position within the Section organization.

The Assistant Section Manager's primary function is to fulfill the duties of the Section Manager

when he is not capable, due to illness or unavailability to complete the duties at that time.

The Assistant Section Manager also can have other duties assigned to them as "Special Projects."


As Section Manager - pro tempore - the duties below also become

the Assistant Section Manager's duties when needed:


  • Recruits, appoints, and supervises section-level staff and volunteer positions


  • Monitors the performance of the Field Organization volunteers and provides guidance as necessary to ensure that appointees

          act in the best interests of Amateur Radio and the Section


  • Maintains liaison with state and local government agencies, as well as volunteer organizations throughout the Section, and makes periodic reports those agencies and organizations regarding the readiness of our Amateur Radio operators for emergencies


  • Serves on the Division Cabinet and renders advice and updates to the Director

          about the Section


  • Conducts correspondence and other communications with the membership and all Amateur Radio operators in the Section by distributing information about Section activities and to encourage member participation in the Field Organization                       


  • Makes personal visits to as many clubs, hamfests, and volunteer organizations functions as possible


  • Responds to members' questions and concerns in a timely fashion


  • Promotes recruitment of new Amateur Radio operators and new members by encouraging good attitudes and actions which welcome new radio Amateurs